Your Rental Helps
Today, the facility is owned and operated by Bissell Centre as a social enterprise. All revenue from rental fees goes toward operational expenses and to cover costs associated with sending children and families to summer camps at Moonlight Bay Centre. Let us help you plan your conference, seminar, retreat, camp, wedding/family event, cultural celebration or corporate function.
Family Camps
Since 1929, Bissell Centre’s Moonlight Bay Centre has provided an opportunity for children and parents living in poverty to engage in positive recreational activities to enhance their quality of life emotionally, spiritually, socially, and physically.
Our MBC Family Camp is a four day retreat that allows low-income parents and their children, who typically live in communities with high rates of domestic violence, gang activity, and drug use, the ability to engage in recreational activities that offer a positive and reflective experience that they would not have in their difficult daily lives.
Bissell Centre provides transportation to the camp, food for the meals, lodging, and materials needed for activities. Swimming, canoeing, volleyball, arts and crafts, and campfires are coordinated and led by the staff from our Child and Family Services Program.